With bottle or mixed feeding, baby formulas are the optimal substitute for breast milk. They are digested easier than regular cow’s milk and contain all the necessary vitamins and trace elements for the correct and timely development of the baby’s body.
HiPP Baby Formulas
The German company HiPP has been producing baby food since 1899. Parents from all over the world trust the brand’s high-quality products, as the manufacturer uses exclusively environmentally friendly natural components. One of the main benefits of these products is the composition, which is as close to breast milk as possible. If the baby is fed properly, HiPP formulas do not cause discomfort, pain, and disturbances in the work of the baby’s tummy and intestines. Therefore, if you are looking for the best organic formula for babies, consider HiPP formulas.
The composition of the brand’s formulas includes the following components:
- organic cow milk obtained without the use of hormones, fertilizers, pesticides, and antibiotics, in compliance with all requirements of organic production, as evidenced by the certificate on the package;
- probiotics — lactobacilli L.fermentum, naturally contained in breast milk and helping to form the natural microflora of the intestines in babies;
- prebiotics to regulate the concentration of probiotics in the baby’s body, support healthy intestinal microflora, and help avoid disorders of the digestive system;
- fatty acids (including Omega, and LC-PUFA, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids) for the proper development of the baby’s brain and vision;
- nucleotides for regulating growth and metabolism processes and strengthening immunity.
- vitamins, minerals, and trace elements necessary for the baby’s proper development from the first days.
HiPP Baby Formula Product Range
The company offers several product lines for babies with various nutritional needs. The Organic line consists of organic products that include all the critical components for the baby’s body in general.
HiPP Combiotic is a new-generation baby food that contains probiotic bacteria derived from breast milk. It consists of 100% natural organic components and includes prebiotics and probiotics, thanks to which it does not cause discomfort in the tummy or stool disorders. Research conducted by the HiPP company showed that when feeding these mixtures, babies from 6 months to a year had 26% fewer respiratory infections and 46% fewer intestinal infections than when feeding ordinary mixtures containing only probiotics.
There are also lines for babies with special nutritional needs, like HA Combiotic, a hypoallergenic mixture based on hydrolyzed protein. For babies who suffer from colic and constipation, the HiPP Comfort formula may become a relief, and for infants with frequent and intense regurgitation, it is recommended to give the HiPP AR (anti-reflux) formula. Besides, the brand has a line of formulas based on goat milk, which can be a great alternative to products based on cow milk. Goat milk is absorbed easier since it has a composition closer to human breast milk.
HiPP also offers a ready-to-feed formula. Such bottles are the perfect sidekick for parents on the go since the formula does not require preparation. You can give it to your little one during travel, hospital visits, daycare, and more.