Unfiltered drinking water isn’t only unappealing in appearance, it increases your odds of an unpleasant experience. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveal that around 75% of Americans rely on tap water for their regular drinking needs.
That percentage can be reduced if you opt for a homemade water filter system.
Are you trying to figure out how to filter water when away from home? Maybe you’re on a camping trip and you need access to drinkable fresh water in the wilderness?
Follow our homemade water filter instructions and learn how to produce drinkable water from any location!
Gather Your Materials
You will need a clean container, such as a large pitcher, a jug, or just a simple 2-liter soda bottle. Next, you will need a means of filtering the water, such as a coffee filter or a piece of cheesecloth.
Finally, you will need some sort of gravel, sand, or charcoal to act as a filter. You could also check online to see more options on water filters.
Cut the Filter Material
The material can be anything that will allow water to pass through it, such as a coffee filter, a piece of cloth, or a paper towel.
Cut the material into a circular shape that will fit over the top of the container. Place the material over the container and secure it with a rubber band.
Assemble the Filter
Start by sterilizing the container by boiling it for several minutes.
Then you will need to layer your materials in a jar or container, with the coffee filter at the top. Start adding the gravel to the bottom of the bottle. This will help to filter out larger pieces of debris and sediment.
Next, add a layer of sand. This will help to trap smaller particles of dirt and pollution. Finally, add a layer of charcoal. The charcoal will absorb many of the harmful contaminants that may be present in your water supply.
Make sure to leave about an inch of space at the top of the bottle. Close the bottle with a lid and cut a small hole in the lid. Pour water into the bottle slowly so that it has time to filter through the gravel, sand, and charcoal.
Test the Filter
To test your homemade water filter, simply pour a cup of dirty water into the top of the bottle and let it filter through. The clean water will collect in the bottom of the bottle for you to use.
Allow the water to filter through and then taste the water that comes out of the bottom of the filter. If the water tastes clean, then the filter is working properly.
Make Your Own Homemade Water Filter Now
Making a homemade water filter is a fairly easy and inexpensive process. The most important thing is to make sure that all of the materials you use are clean and free of contaminants.
By following the steps, you can easily make a water filter that will remove impurities from your water and make it safer to drink.
Now that you know how to make a homemade water filter, you can protect your family in case of an emergency.
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